
Amatsu is a modern adaptation of a soft tissue therapy that has been used for thousands of years in Japan. It is based on ancient principles of natural movement and can be used to help many musculo-skeletal and lifestyle related conditions, as well as supporting the restoration of general health and well-being.

Unique soft tissue pressure and mobilisation techniques are used to treat the whole body, not just the symptoms which allows the effects of life’s daily stresses on the body be addressed – such as physical, emotional and environmental factors.

Amatsu is a whole body treatment. It works with the body’s soft tissue – the muscles, tendons, fascia, ligaments and the organs of the body to help re-balance other key mechanical and energetic structures – the spine, bones, joints, bones and fascia of the cranium and also the meridian circuits.

Amatsu is a gentle but potent technique making treatments or balances suitable for people of all age groups and those with limited mobility.

What Amatsu Treats:

Amatsu treats a range of symptoms, injuries and diseases. The following is a list of common ailments that are often presented at Mederi Amatsu Clinic.

If your condition is not listed below please contact Helen who will be happy to discuss it with you.

Back pain
Pelvic Pain
Groin strain
Postural problems
Mobility Issues
Sports injuries

Strains and sprains
Muscular spasms
Knee problems
Foot and Ankle issues
Jaw problems
Headaches and Migraines
Neck and shoulder pain

Frozen Shoulder
Trapped nerves
Tennis and Golfers elbow
Carpal tunnel and RSI
Circulation Issues
Chronic Fatigue or ME
IBS and other digestive issues
Menstrual and Hormonal problems
Pre and Post pregnancy

Benefits of Amatsu:

Amatsu therapy can be used to aid the restoration of general well being and good health and has many benefits.

  • Amatsu can stimulate the removal of toxins from the system. These may include toxins that we are aware of such as when we consume alcohol and other toxins we don’ t know about.
  • Because of its unique soft tissue mobilisation techniques amatsu helps to improve circulation to tired muscles. Weather you are a keen sports person or a leisurely walker amatsu can benefit you.
  • Working with the whole body, it offers stability for the skeleton and encourages body tone and co-ordination.
  • Amatsu helps recharge the immune and nervous system and brings the body back to a state of homoeostasis – equilbrium.
  • It also helps to restore the body’s balancing sense of proprioception. Proprioception is the sense of the movement of your body, your bodies position in its surroundings.
  • Amatsu supports the management of many painful conditions and encourages the body into recovery and eases it back to a place of well being.

Post Treatment Advice

A significant number of people will feel very different as soon as the amatsu treatment is finished while others may start to feel the benefits and changes over a number of days. You may notice your body standing and moving differently.

Some people will feel tired and sleepy while others may feel energised. Its also not uncommon to experience achiness as the body is letting go of old injuries.

If you have any questions or concerns following your treatment please contact me and I will be able to discuss them with you. Most importantly, listen to your body and attend to its needs. Everyone is different and the body is simply adjusting itself to the changes  made in the treatment

General Advice:

  • Drink lots of water
  • Go for a 20 minute walk (more if you can). This helps anchor the changes made in the body during the treatment
  • Try to avoid strenuous exercise
  • Take a relaxing bath or warm shower
  • Try to steer clear of foods that over stimulate the system such as sugar and caffeine.
  • Walk around the house in your socks or even better go barefoot – outside if you can if temperature allows.
  • Take note of your posture when you leave the treatment room and try to avoid uncomfortable positions and lifting heavy bags.
  • Amatsu therapy should not be used to replace medical treatment without consultation with your GP. If unsure, please get in touch with me and your GP for advice.