
Sacred songs, chants and mantras stemming from a rich heritage of ancient wisdom and tribes from around the world are known to uplift, enliven and reconnect us to our hearts and deepen our relationship with life and creation. They capture something very magical and resonate deep with our souls.

I have been learning and singing these sacred songs for the past 10 years at sacred ceremonies. I facilitate sacred song circles and hold a sacred space for people to come and learn to sing these native chants and songs from across the globe.

These song circles are designed to encourage you to use your voice to help connect you to your hearts wisdom and the natural world around us. They help shift our awareness from our minds so that we can become heart centred once again, feel connected to life and feel good while singing!

Song booklets are provided and each gathering is different from the last catering for whoever attends. No experience is necessary. So whether you are an opera singer, choir singer or just love singing in the shower you are very welcome to join the circle.

Regular sacred song circles are held in Co. Sligo on a monthly basis. Contact Helen for further information.